Film is an effective medium for expressing nation and society’s cultural heritage, literature, arts, nationality and entire dimension of human civilization beyond geographical boundary and political constituency. Culture, literarte and arts are the universally known and accepted means of communication to exchange human feelings, stroies and sentiments. Nepali films have enormous socpe to communicate great heritage of Nepali soicety to the global audiences.
Informed by above-mentioned importance, a group of prominent celebrities and soical leaders conceived an idea of a pltform from where Nepali art, culture and literatue could be promoted widely thorugh Nepali films. The very platform is named as Nepal Film Society (NFS). NFS was established in 2013 and dully registered under District Administration Office, Kathmandu. NFS is a platform for engergeic and enthuaistic individuals from all walks of life who come together and create synergy for innovation and excellence in Nepali films. NFS is guided by a spirit of "Nepali films from village to globe" in all its activities. NFS performs its actions in collaboration, partnerhip and coordiantion with individuals and agenice at government, inter-government, non government and corporate level.
NFS's key activities include to organize national and international film festivals; conduct seminars and workshops related to films; design and manage campains, fairs and events to strengthen national unity, goodwill, identity and peace; undertake research and studies on Nepali art, culture and literatur; provide inputs to government of Nepal and other stakeholders for appropriate policies, laws and programs for the development of Nepali films, among others.
NFS’s goal is to improve quality of Nepali films and expand its market from village to global level.
Nepal Film Society has following objectives:
NFS strives to strengthen partnerships, collaboration and professional ties between the cine professionals of Nepal and friendly countries to promote Nepali art and culure thorugh films. NFS further strives to contribute social transforma
NFS envisions national identity across the world and dignity of people enhanced through Nepali films and contribution of celebrities.